Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sew Simply Satisfying!

These pictures of my little princess were just so cute I had to share them. Llyonesse is wearing the silky pants under her dress that I made for her and posted in a previous blog. We have been having so much fun designing new stuff! Yesterday, we were able to help one of our friends design these same pants for her 4 year old daughter. The best thing about making all these clothes is sharing the ideas with others so they can sew simply satisfying things, too!
Llyonesse & Mommy

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sew Springtime!

With the weather warming up I've been playing with some lighter cottons. Here's a pair of bloomers that I plan to put elastic in the bottoms of. This is my first attempt at saving on a little elastic in the waist. I just made a cord out of the material and tied it at the waist. The pros of this is she will be able to wear it longer because the waist can be adjusted to fit right, on the other hand if it comes untied she might loose her briches as my Great Grandma Gertrude would of said. I think it will work out.
I just bonused on a big bag of elastic and trimmings at a recent garage sale. I just love those kind of finds!
Llyonesse & Mommy

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sewing Auntie!

Llyonesse and I thought that my niece needed her own set of silky bloomers!! We showed her mommy how to cut and sew these and they turned out sew cute and in just a little less than an hour on her first try! We are looking forward to when Sweden is old enough to start sewing with us. We got a couple years yet! ;)
Llyonesse & Mommy

We Love Tea Sew Much!

My momma took us to a Tea Party! It was a lot of fun and very inspiring! Llyonesse and I got a couple of new sewing ideas and got to play in some hats and boas. Even Aunt Jessi and Sweden got to be with us!

Llyonesse & Mommy

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Walking through the Woods to Grandmother's House!

Another simple design we made up for warmth over a dress. It is satin white on the outside and hot pink fleece on the inside with a drawstring cording around the neck. Just cut out half of the cape four times, two from each piece of two kinds of material. Sew the center seam together then with right sides of your cape together sew all around the outside edge, leaving an opening to turn it right sides out. To incorporate a cord around the neck sew two seams the width of the cord where they would work best for pulling around the shoulders. The pants under her dress are on an earlier blog in March.
Llyonesse & Mommy

Sew Amazingly Blessed, Even in the Small Things!

I designed this apron out of some jeans that the Lord blessed me with from a friend. I was trying to figure out how I could find some old denim jeans and randomly I had a friend who called me and said she was going to get rid of some of her sons old jeans. Then she thought she should see if there was anyone who was into sewing that would like to have the denim and my name came to mind. I told her she would not believe it but I had just ask God for some free old jeans! She was amazed and said isn't it is so wonderful that God is even interested in our little details!
This then became a special addition to a gift for one of my nieces.
Super cute! Super easy!
And all of it was something I already had around the house!
Another Idea for you!
Llyonesse & Mommy

Sew Beautiful Babushka!

This pink poncho was a fleece baby blanket that we folded and cut a square hole out of for her head to fit through. It makes a great top cover for outside when she just needs a little more warmth. Since it's fleece you don't even have to sew it. Instant Poncho!
Llyonesse & Mommy

Sew Many Dollies!

My niece and I had fun at Christmas sewing clothes for this little ballet dolly. She really picked it up quick! Something fun to do with Auntie!! ;)
This is Llyonesse's yarn baby she made with me while the boys were gone! We found the instructions on-line and added some of our own touches. You know we just can't follow a pattern without adding to it! :)
Llyonesse & Mommy

Grandma's Bonnet!

Llyonesse's latest design for her Grandma Alice. A bonnet for her 'birfday'! She couldn't wait to give it to her so it became an early present!!
She just loves her Grandma Alice so much and hardly ever lets her go when she's around. She has Grandma Alice's eyes and daddy's so she thinks that's pretty neat!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cupcake Girl!!

My little cupcake girl!! That's what I've named this pant pattern I made for my little one and as you can see she's really enjoying them! Nothing like new pants her mommy made her. He He! Fun for me great for her!
Llyonesse & Mommy

First No Pattern, Pattern ; )

I love to put my Llyonesse in dresses and she loves it too!! But Since she was little it just never seemed right leaving her little legs exposed so she always wears little pants under her dresses. Then my sister started making her daughter these cute sweetie bloomers and I was so tempted to try another project!! So here is my first attempt at lacy pants to dress my little one up! All I did was find one of her best fitting pants, turn them inside out and lay them on top of my fabric that is folded so that there are four layers. Then cut it out and sew together like a regular pant pattern. This part can be so tricky. If you've ever made pants then you know what I mean! It can be quite a hoot trying to figure out how it works. When I was younger my mom would sew a bunch of shorts at the beginning of summer for my brothers and we always had to really think this step through until we got going.
Llyonesse & Mommy

Monday, February 23, 2009

Aprons & More Aprons!

My sister made aprons for us all, her own design! She's loves sewing things and is really great at creating her own designs! We've had lots of good times encouraging each other on in our ideas! The more the merrier!!!
Below are the aprons my own momma designed and made for all of us girls! We have an imaginary audience when we all cook together at the Lodge. We call it the Cooking Show! :)
I am so grateful to my mom for teaching and inspiring me to love sewing! She is amazing and I always wanted to grow up and be just like her!!
Maybe our Show will be famous someday! He, He!
Llyonesse & Mommy

Sew Busy!

Llyonesse sewing away with friends! She was such a lady the whole day! Teaching all the little girls how to use the machine and cutting and sorting all the fabric scraps she could find. We are going to have so much fun together!
Llyonesse & Mommy

Doubly sewn!

Llyonesse and I decided to make double aprons for our little friends for their twin birthday!! This design uses double bias around the edges so it is easily sewn in just a short time! A wonderful and heartfelt gift easily made with love and a homemade touch! We had everything for this project on hand except for the binding.
Llyonesse and Mommy

Lady Llyonesse in Her Own Design!

Llyonesse is two months shy of 4 years and she is sewing on mommies sewing machine very well!! She is sewing her own clothes and designed this bonnet completely on her own, lace, straps and all! She began sewing with 2 little girl machines from Hobby Lobby around $14.00. They taught her the basics of safety and how the machine works so she moved up to my machine with no problem at all! She is sew thrilled to try new things and is content to just sew, sew, sew! Whatever she can imagine, I think she will try!
Llyonesse & Mommy

Pretty Hands!

We like to sew silk flowers on our garden gloves with pretty beads or buttons as the middle. This makes a beautiful addition to any woman's gift and wearing these gloves out is great fun!
Love the things that surround you!
Llyonesse & Mommy